?> An Outline of Trail Development in the White Mountains: 1840-1980 Books & Maps - The Mountain Wanderer

An Outline of Trail Development in the White Mountains: 1840-1980

An Outline of Trail Development in the White Mountains: 1840-1980, by Guy Waterman, published from Randolph Mountain Club Archive, 2005. Edited by Al Hudson, RMC Archivist, and Judith Maddock Hudson, RMC Historian. Anyone with an interest in White Mountain trails history can spend many hours mining this comprehensive decade-by-decade listing of trail building and, in some cases, abandonment, across the region. The text for each decade, which lists trail activity year-by-year, is accompanied by a color-coded map hand-drawn by the author. Also included is an alphabetical index of trails with dates for each, making for easy cross-reference. Untold hours of research went into the creation of this remarkable chronology. 72 pp, plastic spiral-bound, 8 1/2" x 11."
Price: $28.50
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